My True Love's!

My True Love's!
Geoffrey Madeleine & Caroline at St. Augustine

Sunday, January 24, 2010

School Work

Busy week ahead due to conferences with parents all week. I have Friday off but have to drive to Rome for my Science program. The school wants me to go to Savannah (paid trip) to attend the GA Science Conference in Feb. I wanted Geoffrey to go with me but he can not take off time from work.
One of my friends from Caroline's school is going. I nominated her for Science Teacher of the Year and can you believe it! She Won!!! I am so happy for her. I guess I will go - it does seem fun by reading the field trips that we will be allowed to do. My school has approached me about being the head of the science department for our school. I really don't know if I have the energy but it would look pretty good as a credential to have. But I guess it's only good if I plan on remaining a teacher..........There is always so much to think about and there always seems to be such important decisions to make.

1 comment:

DaisyGirl said...

Congrats for the nomination thing, it's alot to think about! I'd like for you to come down to see me one Saturday when you are free, I want to show you the shop. I'm having alittle trouble with the pattern, we may need to rearrange some of the pattern squares. I'll call you later this weekend about it!
Love you!