My True Love's!

My True Love's!
Geoffrey Madeleine & Caroline at St. Augustine

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pillows for Patients

My homeroom took up donations for our monthly school service project. A parent sent in the pillowcase, I purchased the book called The Capture - goes with Gaurdians of the Gahoole, and I had enough donations to buy paint supplies. I enlarged a drawing of a barn owl, traced it onto the pillowcase and then all of the students got together and we painted this pillowcase. It is truly a masterpiece. They all loved it and the results are spectacular. I think we did the best job of all the classes!

1 comment:

DaisyGirl said...

I love it! I like owls!
Remember when we were little and had to sit under the hair dryer? Seeing the girls' curls made me remember that!
Hope your birthday was great! I need to take you out for lunch!