My True Love's!

My True Love's!
Geoffrey Madeleine & Caroline at St. Augustine

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Good News!

Wanted to share with you that my class was selected as one of the Class of the Month classes for our school! I am proud. Every month the principal selects 2 classes in the school who have shown great things. It is most likely due to my hard work for our 2nd grade assembly. We did a Solar System presentation and I made all of the planets and my class painted them all! At least I get to keep them.
Well, got to get thru the upcoming week. Valentine's Day party on Friday and then hurray! teacher work day on Monday. No kids!

Hope everyone has a great week! Honey, I have begun the countdown already and we are only in the 3rd quarter. (Progress Reports are going out tomorrow!)

1 comment:

DaisyGirl said...

Yea! So good that your class got chosen! You work very hard to make your class the best! You go girl! Can't wait till everyone comes over for the Tea Party on the 21st :)